In accordance with the guidelines adopted by Axfood’s 2016 Annual General Meeting, the shareholder with the largest number of shares – after consulting with the three next largest shareholders – has appointed a nominating committee. The Nominating Committee is tasked with – ahead of the Annual General Meeting scheduled for 15 March 2017 – making recommendations for a chairman to preside over the Annual General Meeting, the number of directors and deputy directors, directors’ and auditors’ fees along with any special fees for committee work, election of the Chairman of the Board and other board members, election of auditors, and guidelines for appointment of the Nominating Committee.
The Nominating Committee has the following composition:
Caroline Berg, Axel Johnson AB
Tomas Risbecker, AMF
Åsa Nisell, Swedbank Robur funds
Johan Strandberg, SEB funds
Jonas Hillhammar, Axfood’s Shareholder Association
The Chairman of the Board of Axfood, Mia Brunell Livfors, is a co-opted member of the Nominating Committee.
Shareholders who wish to submit nominations to the Nominating Committee ahead of Axfood’s 2017 Annual General Meeting may do so by e-mail at the following address: Due to the planned date of publication of the AGM notice, nominations must be sent in so that they are received by the Nominating Committee not later than 18 January 2017.
For further information, please contact:
Karin Hygrell-Jonsson, Chief Financial Officer, Axfood AB, +46-706-62 69 70
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